De una lectura un tanto pesada, de repente con monólogos justicieros que siento un poco panfleteros, el cuento se revela a si mismo como un intento de adoctrinar al lector en el punto de vista de ese "nuevo" PRI de la Reforma y la expropiación petrolera.
Mi razón para publicarlo en este espacio es la justificación. Es la búsqueda en mi historia que me dice de dónde vengo y me indica que otros en mi familia ya han caminado por la vereda de las letras. Es decirme a mi mismo: "Si el abuelo pudo, ¿Yo por qué no?....
I'm not going to lie that I started reading this but due to getting sidetracked I have not yet finished. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the illustrations that were in the book. I took illustration this past semester (and have taken 3 printmaking classes in the past) and confess that I found them to be important and meaningful not only in that they are aged illustrations, but because they are executed through the dying medium of printmaking (zinc, etching, wood cuts, etc). EVERYTHING seems to be computerized and three dimensional in the present that I feel that we are losing the beauty and value that is achieved by these types of illustrations.
ResponderEliminarAnyhow, this blog was a good idea, it's making me read more in Spanish :) Now if only I were brave enough to write in it.